Why Is My HVAC Thermostat in Recovery Mode in Fairfax, VA?

While recovery mode sounds alarming when you first see it on your HVAC thermostat, there’s usually nothing serious to worry about. Newer thermostat models, especially smart thermostats, include recovery mode. Here are some common reasons you might see the recovery mode on your home’s HVAC thermostat:

You Use a Programmable Schedule

If you use a programmable heating schedule, you most likely will see recovery mode enabled on your HVAC thermostat. This occurs when the system gets ready to change temperatures and leaves an energy-efficient mode for an active heating mode.

You Use a Smart HVAC Thermostat

Certain smart thermostats will adjust their settings without you touching the device. When this happens, the device will program a new schedule of temperatures into your thermostat without you even knowing. This new program can result in recovery mode when your thermostat transitions between temperature zones.

Power Surge

A power surge can cause your thermostat to reset itself, return to default settings and erase any heating schedule you had programmed. When this happens, recovery mode may appear because the settings have changed.

Malfunctioning HVAC System

In certain cases, a malfunctioning HVAC system can cause your thermostat to display recovery mode more frequently than it should. If your HVAC system struggles to heat your home to its target temperature, it may rapidly cycle on and off. Scheduling regular maintenance on your HVAC system helps prevent minor issues from becoming larger ones that cause your furnace to stop working efficiently.

If you’re dealing with HVAC heating issues that need repairs, contact us at E.M. Logan Inc. today to schedule an appointment. We can repair everything from a failing heating system to a broken thermostat. You can count on us to serve you with a smile and perform the HVAC service with integrity, exceeding your expectations every time.

Image provided by iStock

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