Shopping for a New HVAC System? Invest in a Heat Pump Installation!

If it’s time to install a new HVAC system, why not consider a heat pump? A heat pump is an all-in-one heating and cooling system that works well in milder climates like Fairfax, VA. Keep reading to learn more about why a heat pump installation is the right choice for your home.

Energy Efficient

A heat pump doesn’t generate heat. Instead, it transfers heat from outside and moves it throughout the house. Traditional heaters convert combust fuel into heat, which requires a lot of energy. Heat pumps skip this step, and you reap the savings. Many households save up to 50% on their heating bill after a heat pump installation.

Improved Safety

Traditional furnaces depend on fuel. The fuel ignites the burner inside a combustion chamber. With proper furnace maintenance, you experience fewer fire and carbon monoxide hazards. But the risk still exists. Heat pumps don’t need a fuel source for heat generation, which makes them a much safer choice for your home.

Heat Pumps Also Cool the House

Despite their name, heat pumps cool the home too. When you choose a heat pump installation, you get heating and cooling benefits. Ask your local HVAC expert to explain how this process is beneficial and help you determine the right choice for your household.

What to Consider When Installing a Heat Pump

Once you decide a heat pump is the right choice for your home, you need to consider the following:

  • Size.
  • SEER rating.
  • Back-up burner installation.
  • Zoned heating and cooling options.

Do you feel overwhelmed selecting the right heat pump for your heating and cooling needs? The good news is that expert help is always only a phone call away. Professionals have all the information you need. These experts help you determine the correct size, understand SEER ratings and learn the differences between a standard compressor and a two-speed compressor. For more information about a heat pump installation, call E.M. Logan Inc.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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