Home Fire Risks That Require an Electrical Repair

Electrical fires in residential homes cause hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in property damage. What seems like a minor electrical issue can quickly develop into a hazard that puts your family’s safety at risk. Read on to learn three home fire risks in Woodbridge, VA, that require an electrical repair right away.

Ungrounded Electrical Outlets

An ungrounded electrical outlet is a serious fire hazard if there’s a power surge in your home. It’s easy to identify grounded and ungrounded electrical outlets. Grounded electrical outlets have three holes, while ungrounded ones have two. If you live in an older home that has two-prong outlets, upgrade them to three-prong outlets right away.

Faulty Electrical Wiring

As you’d expect, faulty electrical wiring is one of the primary causes of home electrical fires. But without the training and experience of a professional electrician, it’s difficult to know if your home has faulty electrical wiring. If your home is more than 20 years old, chances are its wiring is too old to handle the plethora of electrical devices we use today. While circuits trip the breakers when electricity overloads them, this won’t happen if there’s faulty wiring.

Schedule an electrical repair if you notice:

  • Circuit breakers overload frequently.
  • Excessive heat from appliances and electronics.
  • Regular power outages or surges.
  • The smell of burning.
  • Sparks or shocks when using outlets.

Misuse of Extension Cords

Extension cords can overload an electrical outlet or circuit and cause a home fire. Never use them to plug several electrical devices into a single outlet for an extended period. But if you use them, don’t run them under rugs, carpets or other flammable materials. Also, consider investing in an extension lead that you can turn on and off instead.

Do you need an electrical repair in your home? Contact E.M. Logan Inc. today for fast and friendly service.

Image provided by iStock

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