Don’t Attempt Your Own Furnace Repairs in Woodbridge, VA

A problem with a furnace might seem easy enough to fix, but it’s not a task you want to take a chance doing. No matter how handy you consider yourself, professionals are more equipped for such matters. The following are only three of the many dangers of attempting DIY furnace repairs in Woodbridge, VA:

Damaging Other Parts

Don’t attempt to repair the furnace yourself even if you’re fairly certain you know what’s wrong. Professionals have extensive training that allows them to fix one issue without causing another and repair one part without damaging others.

Furnace components are delicate and intricate. Trying to repair one piece when you don’t have the proper training can easily lead to a bigger problem than the one you initially set out to solve.

Putting Yourself and Your Home at Risk

Whether your furnace relies on gas or electricity, the power source requires special care. Trying to fix an issue on your own means putting yourself at risk for electrocution or death, causing a gas leak, starting a fire or one of many other potential issues.

Professionals undergo extensive training on how to safely do each task and properly use each tool. They also receive additional training about what to do should something go wrong. Trying to do any furnace repairs on your own could be incredibly dangerous and not worth the gamble.

Voiding Your Warranty

You may assume that repairing your own furnace saves money, but that’s rarely the case. Most furnace warranties state that professionals, rather than homeowners, need to do any repairs; otherwise, it could void the warranty. You could end up being financially responsible for the cost of future furnace repairs and replacements.

The risks associated with DIY furnace repairs are too extensive. Contact E.M. Logan Inc. today to schedule a furnace repair and learn more about our heating services. Our team is available for standard appointments and 24/7 heating repairs.

Image provided by iStock

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