3 Benefits of Going Tankless With Your Next Water Heater Installation

Unlike tank-style water heating systems, which constantly heat water, tankless heating systems heat water on demand. A tankless water heater offers several advantages over standard tank-style water heaters. Continue reading to find out why homeowners in Fairfax, VA, should go tankless for their next water heater installation.

Longer Lasting and Saves Space

Since a tankless water heating system requires no tank, it takes up less space. Also, a standard tank water heating system has a lifespan of around a decade, but a tankless water heater can serve you twice as long. A tankless water heating system’s longer lifespan spares you the price of upgrading your water heating system every decade.

Unlimited Hot Water

To provide an endless stream of hot water, tankless water heaters just need to flush the chilly water from your faucets. Because the water warms as it travels through the heater, you don’t require a huge tank to keep hot water. You don’t have to wait since the heating procedure is quick.

Saves Both Energy and Water

Because of the way a tankless water heating system works, you save dollars on both electricity and water. This type of heater eliminates the standby heat loss associated with tank water heaters. Because it warms the water just before it exits the faucet, there’s no time for it to chill in the pipes. You also don’t have to leave the water running as you wait for the warm liquid to get to the faucet.

If you’re still unsure about how a tankless water heater can function in your Fairfax, VA, house, get in touch with our professionals at E.M. Logan Inc. for a water heating assessment of your residence now. Our team can work with you to select the best option for your home and give you the highest degree of customer satisfaction.

Image provided by iStock

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