Link Between Heating Your Home in Woodbridge, VA, and Sleep
Most people usually need around eight or more hours of restful sleep each night. Insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality could increase the risk of people developing serious health issues, and environmental factors that can affect sleep quality include a malfunctioning heating system. Learn more about how your heating system can affect your sleep in Woodbridge, VA.
Disruptive Noises
Noisy HVAC appliances make falling asleep difficult while also disrupting sleep quality for anyone who awakens easily. The range of HVAC noises, extending from frequent cycling and loud humming to high-pitched squealing, not only causes sleep disturbances but also indicates the need to have the system professionally evaluated.
Inappropriate Humidity Levels
Low humidity levels commonly lead to dry, itchy skin, sore throats or nose bleeds. Warm, humid air causes discomfort by attracting annoying pests. Excessive moisture also promotes microbial growth, which disrupts sleep by creating an environment ripe for adverse health symptom development.
Indoor Air Quality
HVAC systems with inadequate filtration allow common organic, chemical and manmade particles to circulate throughout the air. Poor air quality can lead to acute or chronic allergy symptoms, skin rashes and other health issues that impede sleep quality. Consumers suspecting poor IAQ should have their HVAC appliances and auxiliary components inspected to remedy any issues.
Optimal Sleeping Temperature
Some people prefer cooler temperatures to comfortably sleep, while others desire a warmer environment. HVAC systems failing to provide desired temperatures during the fall and winter can impede restful sleep. The technological advancements in newer heating appliances make dramatic differences in keeping temperatures regulated.
After being in the business for more many decades, our team at E.M. Logan Inc. remains devoted to providing local clients with quality, reliable and exceptional HVAC services. Give us a call when you need a heating system repair or replacement.
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