3 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners in Alexandria, VA

It’s always important to stay on top of HVAC maintenance, but having furry pets running around in your Alexandria, VA, home will introduce new challenges in your efforts to do so. Let’s take a look at three HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners that may be useful to you.

Clean Your Pets Consistently

Furry pets will constantly shed their hair and dander around your home, and when they come back indoors after playing outside, they can carry in dirt, pollen, bacteria and other airborne pollutants with them. Therefore, we strongly advise you to set a regular schedule to wash and brush your pets and always clean them immediately after being outside.

You will also remove stray bits of hair and dander from them when you brush them. Be thorough about both actions. If you aren’t, that hair or dander may end up inside your HVAC system and hamper its functioning.

Change Your Filters Often

When pet hair, dander or any other airborne threats to your indoor air quality find their way into your HVAC system, the system’s filters will be most likely to suffer adverse effects. When pet-related debris sticks to your HVAC system’s filters, it’ll restrict airflow and decrease your system’s efficiency.

Ordinarily, HVAC experts recommend changing or cleaning your filters about once every 90 days. However, if you have pets, you should do so even more often.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance Regularly

Though you can do a great deal to help your HVAC system work well while your pets run around, you won’t be able to do everything. Inevitably, pollutants will find their way into internal components of the system. For that, there’s HVAC maintenance, which you should schedule at least once annually.

Your furry friends don’t have to spell the end for the HVAC system in your home. Call E.M. Logan Inc. and let our HVAC maintenance service technicians keep things running smoothly in your Alexandria, VA, home.

Image provided by iStock

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