AC System Not Cooling? Check These Things Before Calling Us
With the temperatures in Woodbridge, VA, heating up, you’re running your air conditioner longer throughout the day and night. That increased workload can result in cooling issues if you haven’t maintained your air conditioner regularly or your system is old. If your AC system isn’t cooling, check these things before calling us for an air conditioner repair:
The filter in your air conditioner plays a critical role in its effective and efficient operation. If your air conditioner’s filter clogs, it’ll block the airflow in the system. As a result, it’ll freeze the condenser and limit your AC system’s cooling power. To maximize cooling efficiency and preserve good indoor air quality, change the filter every month.
This might sound obvious, but check your thermostat. Homeowners often call in a panic to schedule an AC repair when the problem was as simple as an incorrect thermostat setting. Make sure you’ve set your thermostat to the cooling mode. If you’re still using a manual thermostat, now’s a good time to consider upgrading to a programmable or smart model. Programmable and smart thermostats offer features that add convenience and cost savings to your life.
Clogged Drain
The moisture that your AC system removes from your indoor air gets moved outside through the condensate drain line. If the line clogs and the pans overflow, the excess water can spill into your home and cause significant water damage. It’ll also impact your air conditioner’s ability to cool your house. You can keep your condensate drain line clear by adding a half cup of vinegar into it periodically. But if you’re noticing a serious clog, it’s time to schedule an AC repair.
There are dozens of issues that can cause your air conditioner to stop cooling your home. While a few are easy to diagnose, most require professional attention. Contact E.M. Logan Inc. to repair your AC system and restore your comfort.
Image provided by Thinkstock
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